
4 reasons why you should move your business online

Vencru | 4 reasons why you should move your business online

Like many small business owners out there, you’ve probably had this question on your mind for a long time: Should I move my business online? And yes, we’re happy that you’ve stopped to think about it before taking the jump. But here’s what we can agree on: your customers love comfort, your customers are online, and moving online can give your customers more comfort, bring you closer to them, and even bring you more customers. 

In this article, we explain why you should move your business online and how to do so, no matter how tight your budget is. Whether you sell products or offer services, or you run a home-based business, building an online presence will take you steps ahead in your market. Also, moving online doesn’t mean you must close your physical business place, but it makes it possible depending on your business offering.

Why should I move my business online?

Many small business owners, maybe even you, are still not convinced that an online presence can help grow their businesses. To clear the doubts, here are some reasons why you should consider moving your business online.

Reason 1: Improved brand image

In today’s world of business, a strong online presence gives every brand more credibility. Since you’re trying to get customers to buy from you, being online helps your business become one they can trust with their decisions and with their money. Plus, being online brings you closer to your customers and puts you miles in front of the competition.

Reason 2: More reach

Moving your business online definitely helps you reach more customers. Even if you run a location-based business (say, a restaurant), there may be potential customers in your vicinity who have never heard of you. A strong online presence may do you more good than flyers and posters.

We’ve seen business owners refuse to go online because they don’t think they can manage the number of customers that an online presence will bring. But when it comes to running a small business, it’s always better to have too many customers than to have too few.

Reason 3: Better access

Being online makes it so much easier for customers to access your business—and isn’t that what you need to make more profits? Customers love to interact with businesses from the comfort of their home sofas. They’re even willing to pay extra to keep that comfort. So, moving online will help you make more informed decisions about expanding your business to increase sales.

Reason 4: Lower costs

Depending on your business offering, moving online can cut a lot of costs. If you run a retail store, an e-commerce site will cost you a lot less than you currently spend on utilities, store maintenance, and salaries for your employees. You can even set up a link between suppliers and consumers, so products can be sold directly without you needing a warehouse to store items. This means more customers for your business.

I hope this has convinced you to move your business online. To understand how to move your business online, you should check out the next series post with tactics for starting an online business