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New Product Update: Add multiple Businesses

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Manage your inventory and business easier

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Do you have multiple businesses/companies?

Do you think of how best to manage these businesses from a software application?

Fear no more, help is here!

With our new feature of adding multiple businesses to your single account, you’ll never have to worry about having a complex accounting record.

Vencru boosts the performance of your business by making it easy to manage and track transactions from your comfort zone.

Our latest feature on adding multiple businesses can help you:

  • Organize your businesses
  • Organize your different client’s list
  • Track your debtors
  • Track your profits
  • Track your expenses
  • Track your inventory
  • Manage your business
  • With business reports from the get-go

Guess what, it’s completely free!

To start enjoying this new product feature,

  • Sign up/log in to your Vencru app or Visit our website
  • Click on your Business name at the top left of your screen
  • Follow the drop-down menu
  • Select the icon  [add new account]
  • Fill the empty fields presented.
  • Then, save!

And voila, you are done!


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Manage your inventory and bookkeeping easier

Track sales, inventory, and expenses easier with Vencru. Get real-time accurate reports and insights from anywhere.

Vencru inventory management software