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Get Your Small Business Invoice Template

We created this small business invoice template to make it easier to manage your business. Nurturing a business from start-up until maturity requires lots of skill.

  • The ability to work smart.
  • Unique managerial skills.
  • Keen eyes for detail.
  • Great administrative skills.
  • Essential leadership skills.
  • Customer relationship skills, etc.

We have made it easier by providing a professional template for free.

With our free business invoice template

  • We provide you with a template you can personalize to meet your business brand.
  • We make you stand out from your competition.
  • You will never again need to store all contact with clients in debt in your head or miss out on an overdue debt.
  • All documentation is stored and secured to ensure the smooth running of your business. 

Components of an invoice:

  • The date of order/transaction.
  • The company’s logo of the business.
  • The address of both the business and client.
  • The Telephone contact business.
  • The email address of both the business and client.
  • The type and quantity of goods and services ordered.
  • Payment instructions along with the tax information.
  • Account details of the business.
  • Signature fields. 

You also have the option of using our free small business invoice template. At Vencru, we understand the importance of sending a professional invoice and the need to stand out from your competitors. Therefore, we created an easy to use invoice generator to created unlimited invoices. In addition, we created a free invoicing and accounting software takes the headache of complexity in accounting and invoicing.