
5 Tips For Managing Your Growing Home-Based Business

home-based business

Transitioning from working for other people to running your own home-based business can be challenging. People who are successful operating a business from the confines of their house can attest to this. Despite these challenges, running a home-based…

How to build a great customer persona

How to build a great customer persona When you run a small business, one thing you should never make guesses about is your customer. It’s common for business owners to assume who their customers are and what they really want, but that doesn’t make it a good thing. In fact, this mistake tends to be […]

How to price your products or services

Vencru | How to price your products or services

Do you ever wonder how to price your products or services? We get asked a lot about how to price business products and services. Below are 5 things to consider when calculating your product/service price.

4 reasons why you should move your business online

4 reasons why you should move your business online Like many small business owners out there, you’ve probably had this question on your mind for a long time: Should I move my business online? And yes, we’re happy that you’ve stopped to think about it before taking the jump. But here’s what we can agree […]

How to build a website for cheap (less than $5/month)

create a website

Avoid the high costs for building websites. Learn how to build a website for cheap (less than $5/month) to create a website. Below are 5 steps for creating your website (blogging websites or e-commerce) for less than $5/month.

4 tips for moving your business online

4 tips for moving your business online Moving your small business online isn’t as complicated as it sounds. As part of our moving online series, here are some simple steps to move online on a tight budget. Reason 1: Set up your business website Creating a functional website is the first step to moving your […]

3 key ways to prevent business fraud

Vencru | 3 key ways to prevent business fraud

3 key ways to prevent business fraud To adequately prevent fraud, you should take steps that touch every player in your business—your customers, your employees, and even you. Here are some moves you can make to checkmate fraud in your small business: Address customer issues that may lead to business fraud While many customers interact […]

What is business fraud?

Vencru | What is business fraud?

What is business fraud? It’s not uncommon to find business owners who think that their resources will be easier to manage because their businesses aren’t large, and so they can rest assured that they’ll never be cheated. But here’s a shocker: this isn’t true. In fact, research is proving that small businesses suffer more from […]

How to make your business location work for you

How to make your business location work for you Small business owners know that a lot goes into building a brand and making it successful. That’s why they go the extra mile to make sure that every part of their business is top-notch—from their products/services to their customer relationship. But here’s what many of them […]